Five-striped Sparrow (Amphispizopsis quinquestriata)

The Five-striped Sparrow, also known as the Cabanis's Sparrow, is a small bird that measures up to 12.5 cm in length and weighs about 13 grams. This sparrow is commonly seen in Central and South America, ranging from southern Mexico to northern Argentina. It is mostly found in grassy areas, lowland forests, and coffee plantations.

This sparrow has a distinctive appearance, with five bold stripes on its head and neck. The stripes are black and white, with a brownish-grey back and wings. The beak is short and conical, and the eyes are brown. The male and female sparrows have a similar appearance, but the male's head and back are darker.

The Five-striped Sparrow is an active bird, flying short distances in rapid bursts. Its diet consists mainly of seeds, insects, and fruits. They forage mainly on the ground, scratching the soil for seeds or insects. They have been known to pick ticks off the backs of cattle.

Breeding season for this sparrow varies depending on the region. In Costa Rica, it starts in June, while in southern Mexico, it starts in April. The female builds a nest from twigs and grass, usually in low bushes or on the ground. The female lays 2 to 4 eggs, which are white with brown spots. The eggs hatch after about 12 days, and the chicks fledge after about 11 days.

The conservation status of the Five-striped Sparrow is considered a species of least concern. Although its population size is unknown, it is believed to be stable. However, deforestation and habitat loss may pose a threat to this bird's population in some areas.

In conclusion, the Five-striped Sparrow is a small but distinctive bird with its bold black and white stripes. It is commonly found in Central and South America and has adapted well to different habitats. Although its population may be stable, conservation efforts must continue to prevent habitat loss and ensure the continued survival of this beautiful bird.

Other names

Amphispizopsis quinquestriata



Five-striped Sparrow

sit de cinc ratlles



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