Carpentarian Grasswren (Amytornis dorotheae)

The Carpentarian Grasswren is a small and elusive bird species that is native to the northern region of Australia. This bird is named after the Carpentarian region of Australia, where it is primarily found in areas of dense spinifex grass.

The Carpentarian Grasswren is a brownish-grey colored bird with a distinctive red-brown patch on its upper breast. It has a long tail and short wings, making it an efficient runner and jumper. The bird measures approximately 12 centimeters in length and weighs around 10 grams.

The Carpentarian Grasswren is a ground-dwelling bird and prefers to stay in areas of thick spinifex grasses. They are also active during the daytime, but their secretive nature and small size make them difficult to spot. Their preferred habitat is the arid savannah region, which they share with other species such as zebra finches, red-backed fairy-wrens, and budgerigars.

One unique characteristic of the Carpentarian Grasswren is its low-pitched and trilling whistle, which is often heard by bird enthusiasts. Male grasswrens use their whistle to communicate with other males within their territory and to attract mates during the breeding season.

The Carpentarian Grasswren's diet primarily consists of insects, which they pick from the ground or from spinifex grasses. They are known to feed on ants, spiders, and termites. They are also believed to drink water from dew, rain, or shallow puddles.

The Carpentarian Grasswren is currently listed as a threatened species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), with a rapidly declining population. The degradation of their natural habitat due to land clearing, grazing, and fires are the main reasons for their population decline. Conservation efforts are being implemented to protect the remaining population of Carpentarian Grasswrens, as well as their habitat.

In conclusion, the Carpentarian Grasswren is a unique bird species that has a trilling whistle and prefers to live in dense spinifex grasses. This bird plays an essential role in the ecosystem by controlling insect populations. However, their habitat destruction has put them at risk of extinction, making it crucial to increase conservation efforts to protect them.

Other names

Amytornis dorotheae



Carpentarian Grasswren

malur canós de Carpentària



brkati vilinski palčić

trávníček běloprsý

Rødvinget Græssmutte

Dorothy's Grassluiper


Amytis de Dorothy


Scricciolo d'erba di Carpentaria


karpentarinė pievinė karietaitė


zielak rdzawoskrzydły


Северный травяной малюр

zamatovec hrdzavý

Maluro de Carpentaria


Karpentarya Otbülbülü

трав’янчик рудокрилий

szirti létrafarkú