Short-tailed Grasswren (Amytornis merrotsyi)

The Short-tailed Grasswren is a species of bird that is endemic to Australia. It is a tiny bird that belongs to the family Maluridae. The Short-tailed Grasswren gets its name from its short tail, which measures about half the length of its body. It is known for its agility and gracefulness in hopping and running around on the ground, where it spends most of its time.

The Short-tailed Grasswren has mostly brown plumage with fine white markings on its back and wings. Its bill is short and pointed, which it uses to forage for insects, spiders, and seeds. It has a distinctive white stripe above its eye, making it easy to spot.

These birds are found in the arid and semi-arid regions of central and western Australia. They prefer open grasslands with low shrubs and sparse trees. They are often found in small groups or pairs and are known for their complex and melodious songs, which can be heard from a distance.

The Short-tailed Grasswren is a shy bird and usually stays close to its territory. They use their distinctive calls to communicate with other members of their group and to establish their territory. They are also known to be territorial and will defend their nests fiercely if threatened.

Sadly, the Short-tailed Grasswren is classified as a vulnerable species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Populations of this bird are declining due to loss of habitat, grazing by livestock, and fire. To ensure their survival, conservation efforts are being made to protect their habitat and to raise awareness about their plight.

In conclusion, the Short-tailed Grasswren is a fascinating and beautiful bird that is endemic to Australia. Its unique appearance and vocalizations make it a delight to observe in its natural environment. However, with its declining populations, it is crucial that we take steps to protect this species and ensure its survival for generations to come.

Other names

Amytornis merrotsyi



Short-tailed Grasswren

malur canós de Merrotsy



prugastorepi vilinski palčić

Korthalet Græssmutte



Amytis de Merrotsy


Scricciolo d'erba codacorta


trumpauodegė pievinė karietaitė


zielak krótkosterny


Короткохвостый травяной малюр

Kratkorepi carić travar

zamatovec krátkochvostý

Maluro colicorto

kortstjärtad grässmyg

Kısa Kuyruklu Otbülbülü

трав’янчик смугастощокий

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