Dusky Grasswren (Amytornis purnelli)

The Dusky Grasswren, scientifically known as Amytornis purnelli, is a species of grasswren that belongs to the Maluridae family. It is found in Australia's arid and semi-arid regions, including the eastern and southern regions of Western Australia, northwestern parts of South Australia, and southwestern parts of the Northern Territory.

This bird is relatively small, measuring around 15-18 cm long, with a dark brown and black plumage highlighted by white moustache-like markings on its face. It prefers to live in open grasslands with bushy cover, where it can easily scavenge for food.

The Dusky Grasswren feeds on insects, spiders, and small invertebrates that it finds in the grasslands. It has a unique feeding habit of searching for food near anthills to snatch prey that may be disturbed by the ants. The bird is also known for its remarkable singing abilities. Males and females contribute to the creation of a duet, which includes a combination of trills and chip notes.

However, the Dusky Grasswren is considered to be a threatened species, primarily because of the ongoing habitat loss due to human activities, such as mining, land clearing, and grazing. The bird's small size, limited range, and low population density also make it vulnerable to becoming prey. Climate change and wildfires are also threatening the bird's habitat and food sources.

Conservation efforts are being made to protect the Dusky Grasswren from extinction. The Western Australian Government has identified the grasswren's habitat as a priority conservation area, and the South Australian Government has designated the bird as a threatened species. The BirdLife International organization also recognizes the importance of protecting the bird and has declared it as a globally endangered species.

To conclude, the Dusky Grasswren is a small but fascinating bird species found in Australia's semi-arid and arid regions. Its unique characteristics, such as its feeding habits and singing abilities, make it a valuable addition to Australia's diverse wildlife. However, it is imperative to protect this vulnerable species from further habitat loss and other threats for its conservation and survival.

Other names

Amytornis purnelli



Dusky Grasswren

malur canós fosc



bjeloprugi vilinski palčić

trávníček rezavouzdičkový

Rødbrun Græssmutte

Bruine Grassluiper


Amytis de Purnell


Scricciolo d'erba fosco


rusvakrūtė pievinė karietaitė


zielak skalny


Бурогрудый травяной малюр

Tamni carić travar

zamatovec skalný

Maluro sombrío

mörk grässmyg

Bozaç Otbülbülü

трав’янчик скельний