White-throated Grasswren (Amytornis woodwardi)

The White-throated Grasswren is a small bird that can be found in Australia. It belongs to the Maluridae family and is known for its distinctive white throat and dark plumage. This bird is mainly found in grasslands, shrubs, and rocky gorges, where they search for seeds, insects, and spiders.

The White-throated Grasswren is not very vocal, and it typically remains quiet unless it feels threatened. It is known for its fast movements and can easily blend into its surroundings. Because of this, it can be challenging to spot these birds even though they are quite common in their habitats.

One interesting fact about the White-throated Grasswren is how it builds its nests. The bird's nests are built in a unique manner by using intricate spider webs woven together with grass, bark, and other materials. The nest is built in a shallow depression and is typically hidden away in a dense shrub or grass. The male bird usually builds the nest, but both the male and female take turns incubating the eggs and catching food for their young.

The White-throated Grasswren has a very restricted range and is found only in a few regions of Australia. This bird is considered an endangered species because of habitat loss, which has resulted in a significant decline in population. Apart from habitat loss, other factors that have contributed to the bird's declining population include feral cats and foxes that prey on the birds and disease due to the loss of habitat.

Conservation efforts are underway to protect the White-throated Grasswren. These efforts include preserving habitat, maintaining control on local predators, as well as regular monitoring and research. The White-throated Grasswren serves an important role in Australia's ecosystem as a predator of insects and spiders. They also play a vital role in seed dispersal, making them an essential part of the food chain.

In conclusion, the White-throated Grasswren is a fascinating bird that is facing numerous threats. Their unique nesting pattern, coupled with their role in the ecosystem, makes them a critical species that requires conservation efforts. The success of conservation efforts will be crucial in protecting the White-throated Grasswren and ensuring its survival for future generations.

Other names

Amytornis woodwardi



White-throated Grasswren

malur canós golablanc



bjeloprsi vilinski palčić

trávníček bělohrdlý

Hvidstrubet Græssmutte

Zwart-witte Grassluiper


Amytis à gorge blanche


Scricciolo d'erba golabianca


baltagurklė pievinė karietaitė


zielak białogardły


Белогорлый травяной малюр

zamatovec bielohrdlý

Maluro gorjiblanco

vitstrupig grässmyg

Ak Boğazlı Otbülbülü

трав’янчик білогорлий

fehértorkú létrafarkú