Newton's Sunbird (Anabathmis newtonii)

Newton's Sunbird is a small, brightly coloured bird that is native to the island of Java in Indonesia. It gets its name from the famous scientist Sir Isaac Newton, who was an avid birdwatcher and collector of specimens. The Newton's Sunbird is one of the most vibrant and unique looking birds in the world. It is known for its stunning plumage, which comes in various shades of green, blue, purple, and red. The male Newton's Sunbird has a metallic green crown, red forehead, and a black throat. The breast and belly are yellow, and the back is a deep blue-green. The female Newton's Sunbird is slightly different in appearance and has a white belly, a yellow-green back, and a greyish-blue crown.

The Newton's Sunbird is a small bird, with a length of only 11-13 cm, and it weighs between 4-6 grams. It has a long curved bill, which is perfect for sipping nectar from flowers. This bird feeds mainly on nectar, but it also eats insects and spiders. They are known to have a very high metabolism, which is why they need to consume large quantities of nectar to sustain their energy levels.

The Newton's Sunbird builds its nest using spider silk, cobwebs, and plant fibres. The nest is usually built in the shape of a cone, and it is adorned with lichen and small pieces of plant material. The female lays two eggs, which are incubated for about 15 days. After hatching, the chicks are fed a diet of nectar and insects until they are ready to leave the nest.

The Newton's Sunbird is considered to be a threatened species due to habitat loss and fragmentation. The destruction of its natural habitat, as well as the excessive use of pesticides and other harmful chemicals, have resulted in a decline in their population. Conservation efforts are in place to protect this beautiful bird and its natural habitat. These efforts include the protection of remaining forested areas, the planting of flowering plants, and the reduction of the use of pesticides and other chemicals in the areas where they live.

In summary, the Newton's Sunbird is a small, colourful bird that is native to Java, Indonesia. It is known for its stunning plumage, high metabolism, and love of nectar. Although this beautiful bird faces many challenges in its natural habitat, conservation efforts are in place to ensure its survival for future generations to enjoy.

Other names

Anabathmis newtonii



Newton's Sunbird

suimanga de Newton



saotomski medosas

strdimil žlutoprsý

São Tomé-solfugl



Souimanga de Newton


Nettarinia di Newton


Niutono anabatmis


nektarnik zatokowy


Нектарница Ньютона

nektárovka žltoprsá

Suimanga de Newton


Newton Nektarkuşu

нектарка сан-томейська
