Reichenbach's Sunbird (Anabathmis reichenbachii)

The Reichenbach's sunbird, also known as the golden-winged sunbird, is a spectacular avian species found in the montane forests of East Africa. This species is among the smallest sunbirds, measuring just over 10 cm in length.

The male Reichenbach's sunbird is vibrant in color, sporting iridescent green, blue, purple, and golden feathers. Its wings are particularly striking with their golden tips. In contrast, the female is much duller, with olive-green upperparts and yellowish underparts. Both sexes have slender, curved bills, which they use to feed on nectar from various flowers.

Reichenbach's sunbirds are highly active and agile birds, capable of hanging upside down while flitting from one flower to another. They are also known to feed on insects and spiders, which they catch while in flight.

Breeding season for the Reichenbach's sunbird typically runs from March to September. During this time, the male will perform courtship displays to attract a mate. Once paired, the female will construct a small, cup-shaped nest made of grass, spider webs, and other plant materials. The female will lay two eggs, which both parents will take turns incubating.

Unfortunately, the Reichenbach's sunbird is at risk of habitat loss due to deforestation and agricultural development. Conservation efforts have been put in place to protect their habitat and raise awareness of their plight.

In conclusion, the Reichenbach's sunbird is a beautiful and charismatic bird that adds to the biodiversity of East Africa's montane forests. It is important to realize the importance of conserving their habitat to ensure their survival.

Other names

Anabathmis reichenbachii



Reichenbach's Sunbird

suimanga de Reichenbach



ljubičastoglavi medosas

strdimil žlutoskvrný

Skælrygget Solfugl

Reichenbachs Honingzuiger


Souimanga de Reichenbach


Nettarinia di Reichenbach


Reichenbacho anabatmis


nektarnik nigeryjski



nektárovka palmová

Suimanga de Reichenbach


Reichenbach Nektarkuşu

нектарка нігерійська
