Juan Fernandez Tit-Tyrant (Anairetes fernandezianus)

The Juan Fernandez Tit-Tyrant bird, also known as the Phyllomyias fernandensis, is a small bird belonging to the tyrant flycatcher family. It is endemic to the Juan Fernandez Islands off the coast of Chile. Specifically, it can be found on Robinson Crusoe Island, Santa Clara Island, and Alexander Selkirk Island.

The Juan Fernandez Tit-Tyrant is a distinctive bird, with a short, black bill and a gray head that contrasts sharply with its bright-yellow body. It has a long tail and short wings, which make it an expert at flying and hovering in search of prey. The bird is small, measuring only about 4.5 inches in length and weighing less than 7 grams.

The Juan Fernandez Tit-Tyrant bird is a territorial bird that prefers to live in forested areas with dense vegetation. It nests in tree cavities and lays two to three eggs per clutch. It is known to be an aggressive bird when it comes to defending its territory, and it will vocalize loudly to warn other birds to stay away.

The Juan Fernandez Tit-Tyrant bird feeds on insects, which it catches in flight or while hovering in the air. It is also known to feed on the nectar of flowers, making it an important pollinator. However, despite its important role in the ecosystem, the bird faces several threats to its survival, including habitat loss due to deforestation and invasive species such as rats and cats.

In recent years, conservation efforts have been put in place to protect the Juan Fernandez Tit-Tyrant bird and its habitat. One such effort involves introducing predator-proof nest boxes to help increase the bird's breeding success. Additionally, measures have been taken to control the number of feral cats and rats on the islands, which has resulted in a decrease in predation on the bird and its eggs.

In conclusion, the Juan Fernandez Tit-Tyrant bird is a small yet important bird that is unique to the Juan Fernandez Islands. It faces several threats to its survival but is currently receiving much-needed protection and conservation efforts to ensure its continued existence.

Other names

Anairetes fernandezianus



Juan Fernandez Tit-Tyrant

anairet de les illes Juan Fernández



robinzonska elenija

tyrančík fernandezský

Masatierra Mejsetyran



Taurillon de Juan Fernandez


Tiranno cincia di Juan Fernandez


salinis zylinis tironas


czuprynek wyspowy


Островной синицевый тиранчик

Seničarka sa ostrva Huan Fernandez

čelenkár ostrovný

Cachudito de Juan Fernández


Juan Fernandez Tiranuleti

торілон острівний