Tufted Tit-Tyrant (Anairetes parulus)

The Tufted Tit-Tyrant is a small bird found in South America. It is part of the family Tyrannidae, which is the largest family of birds in the world, with over 400 species. This bird is known for its distinctive tuft of feathers on its head, which gives it its name.

The Tufted Tit-Tyrant is found in a range of habitats, including forests, shrublands, and grasslands. It is known to live at high elevations, up to 4,500 meters above sea level. This bird is found in parts of Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador.

The Tufted Tit-Tyrant is a small bird, measuring around 10 centimeters in length and weighing just a few grams. Its body is primarily gray, with a black mask around its eyes and a white patch on its forehead. The bird's distinctive tuft of feathers on its head is black, making it stand out from other birds in its family.

This bird is active and agile, flitting from branch to branch in search of insects, spiders, and other small prey. It has a strong, sharp beak that it uses to catch its food. The Tufted Tit-Tyrant is also known to feed on fruit and nectar from flowers.

The Tufted Tit-Tyrant is a territorial bird that is known to defend its nesting territory from other birds. It builds a small, cup-shaped nest out of plant fibers and spider webs. The female lays around 2-3 eggs, which she incubates for around 16 days. Both the male and female care for the young chicks, feeding them insects and other small prey.

Overall, the Tufted Tit-Tyrant is a charming and fascinating bird that is beloved by birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts in South America. Its distinctive tuft of feathers, active behavior, and striking appearance make it a joy to watch and study in the wild.

Other names

Anairetes parulus



Tufted Tit-Tyrant

anairet de pit estriat



prugastoglava elenija

tyrančík kadeřavý

Krøltoppet Mejsetyran



Taurillon mésange


Tiranno cincia dal ciuffo


kuoduotasis zylinis tironas


czuprynek czubaty


Хохлатый синицевый тиранчик

Crnolika ćubasta seničarka

čelenkár sýkorčí

Cachudito piquinegro

gulögd mestyrann

Baştankara Tiranuleti

торілон жовтоокий