Red-headed Weaver (Anaplectes rubriceps)

The red-headed weaver bird, scientifically known as Anaplectes rubriceps, is a beautiful native bird species widely distributed across sub-Saharan Africa. These birds belong to the family Ploceidae, which includes the well-known weaver birds. The red-headed weaver bird gets its name from its bright red-colored head, which contrasts with the rest of its yellow, brown, and black plumage.

Red-headed weavers are mostly found in open savannas, grasslands, and woodlands, where they form breeding colonies of up to several hundred individuals. Breeding colonies are typically made up of males, who construct elaborate nests to attract females. The nests take the form of intricate woven balls or retorts that hang from tree branches. The males build these nests using a combination of specialized weaving techniques and materials like grass, twigs, and bark.

During the breeding season, males perform a variety of elaborate courtship displays to attract females into their nests. They puff up their chest feathers and sing elaborate songs, which serve to signal their quality as potential mates. Once a female has chosen a mate, she lays a clutch of two to four eggs, which both parents incubate for a period of 12 to 14 days. After hatching, the chicks are fed a diet of insects and seeds before they fledge after just 17 to 20 days.

Red-headed weaver birds are known for their acrobatic and agile flight patterns, which they use to catch flying insects mid-air. Despite their aerial prowess, these birds often fall prey to predators such as snakes, birds of prey, and monkeys. Habitat loss and climate change also pose a significant threat to the continued survival of this beautiful species.

Overall, the red-headed weaver bird is an iconic African species that is both visually stunning and full of fascinating behavior. As with many bird species, conservation efforts are crucial in protecting these birds and ensuring their survival for future generations.

Other names

Anaplectes rubriceps



Red-headed Weaver

teixidor cap-roig



šumska pletilja

snovač červenohlavý


Scharlaken Wever


Anaplecte écarlate


Tessitore testarossa


raudongalvis malimbas


wikłacz czerwonogłowy


Краснокрылый малимбус

Šarlah crvena tkalja

pletiarka červenohlavá

Tejedor cabecirrojo sureño


Fırfır Dokumacı

малімб червоноголовий



skarlát szövőmadár