Wrybill (Anarhynchus frontalis)

The Wrybill bird, or the Anarhynchus frontalis, is a unique species of bird that is native to New Zealand. It is the only bird in the world that has a bill that is bent to the side. This unique physical feature helps the Wrybill to feed on its primary food source, which is insect larvae.

The Wrybill is a small bird, measuring only around 19 centimeters in length. It has a dull brown and white coloration which helps it to blend in with its surroundings. It is a territorial bird and is often found living in flocks in areas close to streams and rivers. This bird is a migratory species that travels long distances to breed during the summer season.

The Wrybill is an expert in using its unique bill to probe crevices, under rocks, and in gravel bars to find its most favorite food source, the larvae of aquatic insects. The bird's bill can bend to the side, making it perfect for searching in between rocks and crevices. The Wrybill also feeds on small invertebrates, crabs, and mollusks.

The breeding season of the Wrybill bird begins in October and extends until March. During this time, the males of the species will create a nest on the ground, and the female will lay eggs in it. The nest is always built on gravel or sand banks close to rivers and streams. The female will lay two to three eggs, which take around 30 days to hatch. Once hatched, both male and female will take turns to feed the chicks.

Unfortunately, the Wrybill bird is categorised as "vulnerable" by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) due to the increasing loss of their habitat, which is caused by river development, water extraction, and introduced predators like cats. There are currently several conservation efforts underway to protect this unique bird species and preserve their habitat.

In conclusion, the Wrybill bird is not only a unique bird species but also plays an important ecological role in New Zealand's ecosystem. It is important for us to raise awareness and take conservation efforts to protect this bird species from extinction.

Other names

Anarhynchus frontalis




corriol bectort



krivokljuni kulik

kulík křivozobý




Pluvier anarhynque




kreivasnapis kirlikas




Кривоносый зуёк

Krivokljuni žalar

kulík krivozobý

Chorlitejo piquituerto


Eğri Gagalı Cılıbıt

пісочник криводзьобий


ferdecsőrű lile