White-cheeked Pintail (Anas bahamensis)

The White-cheeked Pintail is a bird species that belongs to the family of dabbling ducks known as Anatidae. It is widely distributed throughout the neotropics, including Central America, the Caribbean, and South America. The bird is commonly found in freshwater wetlands such as rivers, marshes, and lakes, but also frequents estuaries, tidal flats, and coastal lagoons.

White-cheeked Pintails have a distinctive and attractive appearance characterized by a bright green head and neck, a grayish-brown back, and white cheeks. Both male and female individuals have a similar plumage, but males are generally larger and heavier than females. These ducks have a streamlined body, with a long and pointed tail, which allows them to swim quickly and efficiently in the water. They have a lifespan of up to 10 years.

The bird's diet primarily consists of small invertebrates such as crustaceans, mollusks, insects, and snails. They also feed on aquatic plants, seeds, and small fish. During breeding season, White-cheeked Pintails form monogamous pairs and build their nests in dense vegetation near the water's edge. Females lay around 5-12 eggs, which they incubate for about 25-28 days.

White-cheeked Pintails are migratory birds, and many populations move to warmer regions during winter. These birds are notable for their excellent adaptation to different environments, and they have been introduced to several areas outside their natural range, including Hawaii, New Zealand, and Australia.

In addition to their ecological importance, White-cheeked Pintails also have cultural and economic significance in some regions. They are hunted for their meat and feathers, and several indigenous communities use their eggs and feathers in various traditional practices.

However, habitat destruction, pollution, and indiscriminate hunting pose significant threats to the survival of the White-cheeked Pintail. Conservation efforts aimed at protecting their natural habitats and reducing hunting pressures are necessary to ensure the survival of this unique and fascinating bird species.

Other names

Anas bahamensis



White-cheeked Pintail

ànec de les Bahames



smeđokapa patka

ostralka bělolící

Hvidkindet Spidsand



Canard des Bahamas


Codone guancebianche


bahaminė antis


rożeniec białolicy


Багамская шилохвость

Bahamski šiljkan

kačica bielolíca

Ánade gargantillo


Ak Gerdanlı Kılkuyruk

шилохвіст білощокий



baltvaigu garkaklis