Yellow-billed Teal (Anas flavirostris)

The Yellow-billed Teal, also known as the Speckled Teal or the South American Teal, is a small dabbling duck found mostly in South America. It belongs to the duck family Anatidae and is one of the smallest of the teals.

The male Yellow-billed Teal has a distinctive green head and neck with a white stripe running from the eye to the back of the neck. The female, on the other hand, has a brownish-grey head and neck with a darker crown. Both sexes have a mottled brown body with dark speckles and a distinctive yellow bill.

The Yellow-billed Teal is usually found near freshwater sources such as marshes, ponds, and lakes. They are most active during the early morning and late afternoon, spending the rest of the day resting and preening their feathers. They are primarily herbivores, feeding on a variety of aquatic plants, seeds, and insects.

During breeding season, which occurs from September to December in South America, males perform intricate courtship displays that involve head-tossing, tail-fanning, and whistling. The female will typically lay around 4-8 eggs in a well-concealed nest, often near water.

Despite its fairly widespread distribution, the Yellow-billed Teal has suffered population declines in some areas due to habitat loss, hunting, and pollution. However, they are still considered a species of low concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

Overall, the Yellow-billed Teal is a fascinating bird with a unique appearance and interesting behaviors. Its presence in South American wetlands contributes to the biodiversity of the region.

Other names

Anas flavirostris



Yellow-billed Teal

xarxet becgroc



pjegavoprsa kržulja

čírka kropenatá

Gulnæbbet Krikand

Chileense Taling


Sarcelle tachetée


Alzavola marezzata


geltonsnapė kryklė


cyraneczka żółtodzioba


Желтоклювый чирок

Žutokljuna krdža

kačica žltozobá

Cerceta barcina

gulnäbbad kricka

Sarı Gagalı Çamurcun

чирянка жовтодзьоба


dél-amerikai csörgő réce