Hawaiian Duck (Anas wyvilliana)

The Hawaiian Duck, also known as the Koloa, is indigenous to the Hawaiian Islands. It is a small dabbling duck that inhabits fresh and brackish water environments. These ducks form mated pairs and are monogamous during breeding season.

The Hawaiian Duck is considered a threatened species as their population has been threatened by habitat loss, hunting, and interbreeding with domesticated ducks. Formerly found throughout the Hawaiian Islands, today, the birds are only found in a few locations on Kauai and the Big Island.

The male Hawaiian Duck has a distinctive green head with a white ring around its neck. The body is dark brown and gray with a black bill. The female is a mottled brown with a dark bill. Both birds have orange feet.

The diet of the Hawaiian Duck is varied, consisting of aquatic invertebrates and small fish along with seeds and vegetation. They typically build their nests on the ground and lay eggs in clutches of 5-7.

Efforts have been made to protect the Hawaiian Duck, including habitat restoration and captive breeding programs. Researchers have been studying the birds' behavior and genetics and using this information to create management plans to protect the species.

Overall, the Hawaiian Duck is a crucial part of the Hawaiian ecosystem and a symbol of Hawaii's unique biodiversity. The bird's plight highlights the importance of conservation efforts to protect endangered species and their habitats.

Other names

Anas wyvilliana



Hawaiian Duck

ànec de Hawaii



havajska patka

kachna havajská




Canard des Hawaï


Germano delle Hawaii


havajinė antis


krzyżówka hawajska


Гавайская кряква

Havajska plovka

kačica havajská

Ánade hawaiano


Hawaii Ördeği


havai sinikael-part

hawaii réce