Emperor Goose (Anser canagicus)

The Emperor Goose is a bird species that's medium-sized, with a grey and white plumage, black beak, and pink legs. These birds are native to Alaska and are rare to find. They have a wingspan of 51 inches and weigh approximately 4 to 8 pounds. Their unique appearance and breeding habits have made them a popular game bird despite their protected status.

Emperor geese are known to be monogamous birds and often mate for life. They breed in remote areas of Alaska, and during the breeding season, the males have a distinctive mating display. The males make a series of calls while stretching out their necks and puffing out their chests. The female lays three to five creamy-white eggs in a shallow pit lined with grass and feathers. The male and the female take turns incubating the eggs, and once they hatch, both the parents look after their chicks.

In winter, the Emperor Goose migrates to the Aleutian Islands, where they spend most of their time near the saltwater coast. They feed on a variety of food sources, including clams, mussels, shrimp, and other invertebrates. The geese are also known to feed on sea plants and grasses.

The Emperor goose is a protected species, and hunting them is strictly controlled. The population has significantly declined in the past due to loss of habitat, overhunting and competition with other bird species. The conservation efforts have had a positive impact, and the population has been gradually increasing.

In conclusion, the Emperor Goose is a fascinating bird species with unique characteristics and breeding habits. They are an important part of Alaska's ecosystem and play a crucial role in maintaining the balance in their habitat. It's essential to preserve their habitat and support the conservation efforts to protect these birds for future generations to enjoy.

Other names

Anser canagicus



Emperor Goose

oca emperadriu



carska guska

husa císařská




Oie empereur


Oca imperatrice


imperatoriškoji žąsis


śnieżyca cesarska



Carska guska

hus bielohlavá

Ánsar emperador


Kral Kazı




karaliskā zoss