Taiga Bean Goose (Anser fabalis)

The Taiga Bean Goose is a large species of bird that belongs to the goose family. It is generally found in northern Eurasia, including northern Europe, Russia, and China. Its scientific name is Anser Fabalis, and it is also known as the Bean Goose, Graylag Goose, and Tundra Bean Goose, depending on the subspecies.

The Taiga Bean Goose is a migratory bird and spends its breeding season in the taiga region of northern Europe and Asia. During the winter, they migrate southward to areas including Japan, China, and South Korea. The body length of an adult bird varies from 70 to 90 cm, with a wingspan of 135 to 175 cm, making it a large bird capable of long flights.

The Taiga Bean Goose has a distinctive appearance, with grayish-brown feathers on its body, black and white feathers on its wings, and a white belly. It has a dark head and beak, with a yellowish or orange patch around its eyes. Its coloration is adapted to provide camouflage in the grassy marshy habitat of the taiga.

The Taiga Bean Goose feeds on a variety of plant materials, including grasses, sedges, berries, and grains. It also feeds on aquatic vegetation and occasionally insects. These birds are monogamous and mate for life. Breeding occurs in the spring and involves the male performing courtship displays, which include bowing and honking. The female then chooses a nesting site, typically near water bodies or on islands, and constructs a nest out of plant materials.

The Taiga Bean Goose is a vulnerable species due to habitat loss and hunting. Conservation efforts have been put in place to provide protection to their breeding and wintering habitats. The bird has also been included in various international agreements, including the African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbird Agreement, to ensure their conservation and survival.

In conclusion, the Taiga Bean Goose is a magnificent bird that is biologically unique and important for the equilibrium of the ecosystems they inhabit. Their conservation should be a concern for society as their disappearance would translate into the loss of a beautiful creature and serve as a warning signal for the escalating environmental problems that the planet is experiencing at the moment.

Other names

Anser fabalis



Taiga Bean Goose

oca de bec curt



guska glogovnjača

husa polní




Oie des moissons


Oca granaiola della taiga


želmeninė žąsis


gęś zbożowa



Guska glogovnjača (šumska)

hus siatinná

Ánsar campestre


Tayga Kazı

гуменник великий


vetési lúd


sējas zoss


njivska gos