Canvasback (Aythya valisineria)

The Canvasback bird, also known as Aythya valisneria, is a migratory waterfowl species that predominantly resides in North America. These ducks are well known for their physical characteristics and their unique behaviors.

The Canvasback bird is a medium-sized duck that measures around 20 to 25 inches in length and weighs approximately 2 to 3 pounds. These ducks are recognized for their distinctive red eyes and long, sloping bills, which allow them to excavate roots and tubers from underwater vegetation with ease. The male Canvasback has a cinnamon-red head and neck, black breast, and white or grayish back. The female has a light brown head and neck, grayish-brown back, and pale brown breast.

These ducks prefer large, deep bodies of water with plenty of aquatic vegetation, such as lakes, ponds, and rivers. During the breeding season, they migrate to the Prairie Pothole Region in the north-central United States and southern Canada. They build their nests on the ground near the edges of wetlands, using cattails, grasses, and other vegetation.

Canvasback birds are omnivorous and feed on a variety of aquatic plants and invertebrates. These ducks also eat mollusks and crustaceans, such as snails and crayfish. Their unique feeding behavior involves tipping their heads downward and using their bills to dig up plant roots and shoots from the bottom of the water body.

Canvasback birds are known for their courtship displays, which involve the male and female ducks flapping their wings and diving into the water repeatedly. These displays are often accompanied by calls and vocalizations. The male Canvasback also performs a unique head-throw display, in which he throws his head backward and forward and utters a series of calls to attract a mate.

Canvasback birds face multiple threats, including habitat loss due to human encroachment and climate change. Additionally, they are vulnerable to hunting and predation by animals like foxes and raccoons. Conservation efforts, including wetland restoration and habitat protection, are underway to protect this species.

In conclusion, the Canvasback bird is a fascinating waterfowl species that is loved and admired by many. Its unique physical characteristics and behaviors make it an important component of North American ecosystems. However, the challenges posed by habitat loss and predation make it imperative for us to take steps to protect this species for future generations.

Other names

Aythya valisineria




morell de dors blanc



riđoglava patka

polák dlouhozobý

Stor Taffeland

Grote Tafeleend


Fuligule à dos blanc


Moriglione beccolungo


ilgasnapė rudagalvė antis


głowienka długodzioba


Парусиновый нырок

Crnokljuna riđoglava patka

chochlačka veľká

Porrón coacoxtle

svartnäbbad brunand

Büyük Elmabaş

попелюх довгодзьобий


rókafejű réce


lielais brūnkaklis


velika sivka