Savanna Nightjar (Caprimulgus affinis)

The Savanna Nightjar is a small, nocturnal bird that is primarily found in the African savanna regions, often near scrubland and grassland areas. Their feather coloration is predominantly gray-brown, with intricately patterned plumage that acts as a camouflage in their natural habitat. Their body length ranges from 22 to 24 cm, and their wingspan can be up to 58 cm.

These birds have a unique vocalization that is characterized by an incessant and repetitive 'churring' sound. Their vocalization provides clues to their location and also helps them in attracting mates during the breeding season.

Savanna Nightjars are seasonal breeders found in mated pairs. They generally breed in the wet season, when the availability of food is abundant in the form of insects such as moths, beetles, and grasshoppers. Their nests are a shallow depression on the ground, sometimes in a small depression made by hooves of larger animals. Both male and female birds share incubation and chick-rearing duties.

As a nocturnal bird, these birds have several physiological adaptations to aid their behavior. They have large eyes to gather even the smallest amount of light, which allows them to hunt effectively in low-light conditions. Their wings are unique in the sense that they are broad, allowing them to hover over their prey before capturing it. Their long beaks also allow them to catch insects while in flight.

Though not currently considered under any sort of conservation threat, the loss of savanna habitats is becoming a growing concern for their continued survival. In areas where agriculture has replaced wild savanna, these birds have had to adapt to new habitats and food sources.

In conclusion, the Savanna Nightjar is a fascinating bird with unique adaptations for nocturnal life in the African savanna. With its vocalizations, specialized wings and beak, large eyes, and intricate coloring, it is a remarkable species that is perfectly adapted to its habitat. Unfortunately, habitat loss continues to threaten their population, and protection efforts will be needed to ensure that these birds continue to thrive in the future.

Other names

Caprimulgus affinis



Savanna Nightjar

enganyapastors de sabana



travnjački leganj

lelek savanový




Engoulevent affin


Succiacapre di savana


savaninis lėlys


lelek krótkosterny


Саванный козодой

Savanski leganj

lelek stepný

Chotacabras de sabana


Savan Çobanaldatanı

дрімлюга савановий


szavanna lappantyú

Cabak kota
