Sombre Nightjar (Caprimulgus fraenatus)

The Sombre Nightjar bird is a unique species of bird found in several parts of the world. This species belongs to the Caprimulgidae family of birds, which includes other nocturnal birds such as nighthawks and whip-poor-wills.

The Sombre Nightjar bird is predominantly found in South and Central America, with sightings reported in countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. It is also present in parts of Mexico and the Caribbean. The bird is known for its greyish-brown plumage, which helps it blend in with its surroundings. It has an average size of 25 cm and weighs around 65 grams.

This species is nocturnal, which means that it is active during the night time. It has a unique way of hunting, where it will sit still on a perch and wait for its prey to pass by. The Sombre Nightjar bird feeds on insects, which it catches mid-air using its wide beak. It is also known to eat small rodents and reptiles.

The Sombre Nightjar bird is well-known for its distinctive calls. The male bird produces a series of characteristic sounds that are loud and easily distinguishable. Its call is described as a long and descending “pli-ow, pli-ow, pli-ow” sound, which is often repeated several times.

The breeding habits of the Sombre Nightjar are peculiar. Female birds will lay their eggs on the ground, usually by a small mound or in a grassy area, where they blend well with the surroundings. The eggs are speckled with brown and look like small rocks. The male bird will look after the eggs, which usually hatch after 18 to 21 days.

The Sombre Nightjar bird faces several threats to its survival, such as habitat destruction and poaching. The bird's preference for low lying habitats also makes it vulnerable to human activities such as agriculture and urbanization. Additionally, the bird is known to be hunted by humans for its meat or captured for the pet trade.

In conclusion, the Sombre Nightjar bird is an interesting and unique species that plays an essential role in the ecosystem. Its fascinating habits and striking calls make it a beloved species among birdwatchers and scientists alike. However, continued conservation efforts are needed to protect this species from the various threats it faces.

Other names

Caprimulgus fraenatus



Sombre Nightjar

enganyapastors embridat



istočnoafrički leganj

lelek východoafrický


Grijsbruine Nachtzwaluw


Engoulevent sombre


Succiacapre scuro


dėmėtasparnis lėlys


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Уздечковый козодой

Istočnoafrički leganj

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Boz Çobanaldatan

дрімлюга танзанійський


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