Montane Nightjar (Caprimulgus poliocephalus)

The Montane Nightjar is a species of nocturnal bird that belongs to the family of Caprimulgidae. This bird is also known as the African Black Nightjar, Abyssinian Nightjar, or Ethiopian Nightjar. It is a small bird, about 22 to 25 cm in length, with a wingspan of 51 to 56 cm.

The Montane Nightjar is found in sub-Saharan Africa, living in rocky areas and open woodlands, particularly in mountainous regions at altitudes of 1500 to 3700 meters. They are more prevalent in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda. This bird has a distinctive call, which is a sharp, repetitive "chwit" or "click-click-click" sound, frequently heard at night.

The Montane Nightjar is predominantly nocturnal and feeds on moths, beetles, and flying insects. It possesses large, sensitive eyes that help it to catch its prey during the night. Their coloring is mainly brown or black, with a white marking on its chin and throat and white stripes on the feathers of its back and wing feathers. Their coloration assists in their camouflage and helps them blend in with the rocks and dappled sunlight of their natural habitat.

The Montane Nightjar makes its nest in shallow depressions on the ground, mostly hidden by surrounding vegetation, which keeps the eggs and chicks safe from predators like snakes, rodents, and birds of prey. The female typically lays one or two eggs, and both parents care for the young chicks.

This bird is not considered endangered, although its population is at risk due to habitat loss caused by deforestation and the expansion of human settlements in mountainous areas. The conservation status of this bird species is rated as "Least Concern" by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

In conclusion, the Montane Nightjar is a versatile and intriguing bird that has adapted to survive in mountainous regions of sub-Saharan Africa. Its unique vocalization and characteristic coloration make it a fascinating and sought-after bird to observe in its natural habitat. Its presence in the ecosystem maintains the balance and diversity of the animal kingdom and highlights the importance of conservation efforts to protect and preserve this and many other bird species.

Other names

Caprimulgus poliocephalus



Montane Nightjar

enganyapastors d'Etiòpia



planinski leganj

lelek etiopský

Etiopisk Natravn

Ethiopische Nachtzwaluw


Engoulevent d’Abyssinie


Succiacapre d'Abissinia


abisininis lėlys


lelek górski


Абиссинский козодой

Abisinski leganj

lelek horský

Chotacabras montano


Dağ Çobanaldatanı

дрімлюга гірський


szürkefejű lappantyú

Abesīnijas vakarlēpis