Lesser Antillean Swift (Chaetura martinica)

The Lesser Antillean Swift is a tiny bird of the Apodidae family that frequents the Caribbean region from Puerto Rico down to Trinidad and Tobago. Its body measures only 11 to 12 centimeters in length, and it weighs around 11 grams.

This bird is distinguished by its blackish-brown plumage, slender wings, and short tail. Its wingspan is about 24 centimeters, and it has long, narrow wings that make it an excellent flyer. The Lesser Antillean Swift uses its aerodynamic and flight capabilities to feed on insects, such as mosquitoes and other flying insects, while they are in the air.

The Lesser Antillean Swift nests in colonies, and it breeds during the dry season, from January to June. The bird has a unique way of breeding that sets it apart from other birds. It builds its nest, made of twigs and saliva, under overhangs on cliffs, caves, and buildings, making it a great bird to watch in urban areas. Both male and female birds work together to construct the nest, which can take weeks to complete.

Unlike other bird species, Lesser Antillean Swifts have a peculiar behavior, which includes living in flocks or large groups of up to 1,000 birds at a time. During the breeding season, the birds separate into smaller groups of around 20 to 30 birds per colony.

Besides their ecosystem and human value as insect controllers and pollinators, Lesser Antillean Swifts are also known for their historical and cultural importance. For instance, the Carib Indians, an indigenous group in the Caribbean region, regarded these birds as sacred creatures. They believed that the birds were messengers between the living and the dead, and they used their feathers in their spiritual rituals.

In conclusion, the Lesser Antillean Swift may be small in size, but it plays a significant role in its ecosystem and has cultural significance. It is a unique bird, with its distinctive nesting behavior and aerodynamic prowess, that deserves recognition and protection.

Other names

Chaetura martinica



Lesser Antillean Swift

falciot cuaespinós de les Petites Antilles



maloantilska čiopa

rorýs antilský




Martinet chiquesol


Rondone delle Piccole Antille


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kominiarczyk antylski


Антильский иглохвост

Čiopa sa Malih Antila

srp antilský

Vencejo de Martinica


Martinik İğnekuyruğu

голкохвіст антильський

antilli kammsaba

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