Sick's Swift (Chaetura meridionalis)

The Sick's Swift is a small bird that belongs to the swift family Apodidae. It is also known as the Madagascar swift, as it is endemic to the island of Madagascar.

The Sick's Swift is a unique bird with an elongated body, short tail, and long, pointed wings. Its body is black with a greenish gloss, and it is only about 11 centimeters long. Its name "Sick's" is after the ornithologist, Robert W. S. Dick, who was the first to discover this species in 1953 and named it after his wife, Yvonne Sick.

This swift is an extraordinary bird that can be found in rocky habitats, forests, and areas of the Madagascan highlands. It is a highly aerial bird, spending almost its entire life in the air. It can fly up to 20 meters per second and travels across most of the tropical and subtropical regions of Madagascar.

The Sick's Swift feeds on flying insects, mainly mosquitoes, flies, and beetles, which it catches in the air. To catch its prey, it uses its sharp talons and hooked beak. Unlike other birds, it has a relatively large gape allowing it to take in large prey items.

The Sick's Swift is a fascinating and unique bird with peculiar characteristics and behaviors. Unfortunately, like many other bird species globally, its populations are declining due to habitat destruction, climate change, and other human activities. Conservation efforts must be implemented to preserve this species before it is too late.

Other names

Chaetura meridionalis



Sick's Swift

falciot cuaespinós meridional



pepeljastorepa čiopa

Sick´ Tornhalesejler

Sicks Gierzwaluw


Martinet de Sick


Rondone di Sixk


Sikso chetura


kominiarczyk popielatosterny


Иглохвост Сика

srp sadzový

Vencejo de Tormenta


Güney İğnekuyruğu

голкохвіст південний
