Maned Duck (Chenonetta jubata)

The Maned Duck, also known as Hartlaub's Duck, is a stunning waterbird native to sub-Saharan Africa. This species belongs to the family Anatidae and is recognized for its striking appearance and unique habits. The Maned Duck is named after German naturalist Gustav Hartlaub, who first described this bird in 1860.

Maned Ducks are medium-sized birds, with males measuring up to 20 inches in length and females up to 18 inches. They have a distinctive appearance, with chestnut-colored heads, black necks, and white-bordered black wings. They also have a mane of black feathers extending down from their necks to their backs, hence their common name. The striking eyes of a Maned Duck are a bright red, and they have a long, pointed beak that is black in color.

The Maned Duck is predominantly found in wetland areas, including swamps, marshes, and rivers. They tend to roost in trees near water and forage by filtering food through their bills along the bottom of shallow water bodies. They prefer to feed in the early morning and late afternoon, often in small groups.

Maned Ducks mate for their entire lifespan, and both males and females participate in the incubation of eggs. The female usually lays around six to ten eggs, and the incubation period lasts for around 28 days. The ducklings are precocial, meaning they are able to move and feed on their own shortly after hatching.

Unfortunately, the Maned Duck is considered an endangered bird species. The primary threat to this species is loss of habitat due to human development and alteration of wetland areas. Additionally, hunting and egg collection by humans have had a significant impact on the Maned Duck population. As such, conservation programs and habitat restoration efforts are essential for the protection of this species and its preservation for future generations.

Overall, the Maned Duck is a unique and fascinating bird that adds vibrant color to the wetland habitats of Africa. Their striking appearance and captivating habits offer a glimpse into the beauty of nature, reminding us of the importance of protecting and conserving our natural world.

Other names

Chenonetta jubata



Maned Duck

ànec de crinera



smeđoglava patka

kachnička hřívnatá




Canard à crinière


Anatra crinita


dryžakrūtė antis


grzywienka (zwyczajna)


Гривистая утка

Grivasta patka

hnedohlávka hrivnatá

Pato de crin


Yeleli Ördek

качка гриваста


sörényes lúd