Harlequin Quail (Coturnix delegorguei)

The Harlequin quail is a charming and colorful bird found in various parts of the world. With its distinctive feather pattern of black, brown and white, it is one of the most recognizable quail species. The scientific name of the Harlequin quail is Coturnix delegorguei, and it is commonly known as the Rock partridge, Harlequin quail or Harlequin partridge.

The Harlequin quail is a small-sized bird, typically measuring around 14-18 cm in length. It has a rounded body, short tail and wings, and a comparatively large head. The male and female birds have distinctive differences in their appearance, making it easier to differentiate between the sexes. The male has a brighter and more defined pattern of feathers, whereas the female's colors are more subdued.

One of the most intriguing features of the Harlequin quail is its unique call. It produces a distinct quack-like sound that echoes through the forest, making it easy to identify the species. These birds are difficult to spot as they prefer the underbrush of grassy meadows or dense shrubbery to hide. They are mostly active during the early morning hours or late evening and are foragers, searching for insects, seeds, and small plants.

The Harlequin quail is widely found in the grasslands, savannas, woodlands, and scrublands of regions such as Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and the Middle East. Their habitats often overlap with humans and are, therefore, at risk of habitat destruction and human-caused pollution. Consequently, they are rated as a species of "Least Concern" by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

In conclusion, the Harlequin quail is a marvelous bird that adds color and charm to the world of avian fauna. Its unique features and call make it an exciting species to observe, while its role as a forager and predator control agent makes it a valuable ecological contributor. Conservation efforts aimed at protecting and preserving the habitats of the Harlequin quail will ensure the healthy continuation of this species for many generations to come.

Other names

Coturnix delegorguei



Harlequin Quail

guatlla arlequí



afrička prepelica

křepelka harlekýn




Caille arlequin


Quaglia arlecchino


spalvingoji putpelė


przepiórka pstra



Arlekinska prepelica

prepelica pestrá

Codorniz arlequín


Soytarı Bıldırcını



aafrika vihmavutt

