White Eared Pheasant (Crossoptilon crossoptilon)

The White Eared Pheasant (Crossoptilon crossoptilon), also known as the Chinese White Eared Pheasant or the Tibetan Eared Pheasant, is a stately bird that is native to China. It is a member of the Phasianidae family, which includes pheasants, partridges, and quails.

The White Eared Pheasant is a large bird, measuring between 75 and 90 cm in length and weighing between 1.5 and 2.5 kg. It has a distinctive appearance that makes it easy to identify. The bird has a blue-grey plumage, with white ear tufts and black facial markings. The male bird has a bright red wattle on its face, while the female bird has a brownish-gray wattle. The bird has yellow eyes, a coral beak, and a long, pointed tail.

This species of bird is found in the mountainous regions of western and central China, including Tibet, Gansu, and Sichuan. It inhabits alpine meadows, scrubland, and forests at elevations ranging from 2,000 to 4,500 meters above sea level. The White Eared Pheasant is a shy bird that is rarely seen, except during the mating season. The bird is naturally omnivorous, feeding on grasses, seeds, fruits, and insects.

The White Eared Pheasant is a monogamous bird that mates for life. Its mating season occurs in early spring, from March to May. The male bird performs an elaborate courtship dance to attract the female. The female then lays a clutch of 6 to 12 eggs, which are incubated for about 28 days. The chicks are precocial, which means that they are born fully feathered and able to move around shortly after hatching.

Due to habitat loss and hunting, the White Eared Pheasant is classified as Vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The bird is protected in China, and efforts are being made to conserve its natural habitat. In 2016, the Chinese government launched a program to protect the White Eared Pheasant, along with other rare bird species.

In conclusion, the White Eared Pheasant is a striking bird that is admired for its beauty and grace. It plays an important role in the ecosystem of its natural habitat, and efforts should be made to protect this magnificent species for future generations.

Other names

Crossoptilon crossoptilon



White Eared Pheasant

faisà mostatxut blanc



bijeli fazan

bažant tibetský

Hvid Ørefasan

Witte Oorfazant


Hokki blanc


Fagiano orecchiuto bianco


baltasis ausytasis fazanas


uszak biały


Белый ушастый фазан

Beli fazan

uškáň biely

Faisán orejudo blanco

vit öronfasan

Kulaklı Sülün

фазан-вухань білий


fehér fülesfácán

baltais ausfazāns