Tundra Swan (Cygnus columbianus)

The Tundra Swan (Cygnus columbianus) is a beautiful bird found in the northern hemisphere. These birds typically breed in the Arctic tundra regions of North America and Eurasia and are known for their migratory habits that take them to different parts of the world. The Tundra Swan is one of the largest of the swan species and is known for its striking white plumage and lengthy neck.

Tundra Swans are impressive birds that can grow up to four feet in length and have wingspans that range up to six and a half feet. Unlike other swan species, Tundra Swans have a distinctive yellow patch at the base of their black bills. These birds are also recognized for their noisy calls that are often heard as they migrate in large flocks. Tundra Swans are monogamous birds that mate for life and can live up to 20 years in the wild.

During the breeding season, male Tundra Swans will perform intricate courtship displays that involve water splashing and vocalizations. The female will typically lay four to six pale green eggs in a nest made out of vegetation on a small island or in a marsh. Both parents will take turns incubating the eggs and rearing the young.

Tundra Swans migrate twice a year from their breeding grounds to their wintering grounds. In North America, these swans travel from the Arctic tundra down to the southern regions of the United States and Mexico. During migration, they form large flocks and can often be seen resting on open wetlands, lakes, and fields.

The diet of the Tundra Swan primarily consists of vegetation, including stems, leaves, and roots of aquatic plants. These birds will also feed on grains and seeds found in agricultural fields. In winter, Tundra Swans will typically feed in fields, pastures, and wetlands, where they feed on waste grain and agricultural crops.

While Tundra Swan populations were once threatened by hunting and habitat loss, successful conservation efforts have helped stabilize their populations. These birds are still considered a species of concern in some areas due to various threats like habitat loss, water pollution, and climate change. However, efforts are being made to protect the habitat of these magnificent birds so that future generations can appreciate their beauty.

Other names

Cygnus columbianus



Tundra Swan

cigne petit



mali labud

labuť malá


Kleine Zwaan


Cygne siffleur


Cigno minore


mažoji gulbė


łabędź czarnodzioby


Американский лебедь

Mali labud

labuť malá

Cisne chico

mindre sångsvan

Küçük Kuğu

лебідь чорнодзьобий


kis hattyú


mazais gulbis


mali labod