Asian Palm Swift (Cypsiurus balasiensis)

The Asian Palm Swift, also known as the "Palm Swift," is a small bird that belongs to the Apodidae family. These birds are found in many parts of Southeast Asia, including Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, and Indonesia. They prefer living in tropical regions where there are mature trees and plenty of palm fronds for nesting.

These birds have a slender, aerodynamic body with a forked tail that helps them maneuver while flying. They are mostly dark brown in color, with a slightly iridescent green head and neck. They have large wings for their size, enabling them to glide for long periods, and fly high in the sky. They are also swift flyers, which means they can fly at high speeds in strong winds.

One of the interesting facts about the Asian Palm Swift is that they are known to be one of the most skilled builders of nests. Their nests are made of tiny twigs and feathers that are carefully woven together using their beaks and saliva. They can hang their nests from palm fronds or other tall trees, which provides protection from predators.

These birds are highly social and are often seen traveling in large groups or flocks. They prefer to fly at great heights where they can catch insects for food. They hunt by flying over open areas and catching insects in mid-air using their sharp beaks and agile flying skills.

The Asian Palm Swift is also known for its distinctive cries, which are sharp and high-pitched. These cries help them communicate with other birds in their flock, and also serve as a warning call when predators are nearby.

In conclusion, the Asian Palm Swift is a fascinating and beautiful bird that has adapted well to its tropical environment. Their flying skills, nest-building abilities, and social behavior make them a unique species that is worth learning more about. They play an important role in the ecosystem by helping to balance insect populations, and are a joy to watch for any bird-watcher or nature enthusiast.

Other names

Cypsiurus balasiensis



Asian Palm Swift

falciot de palmera asiàtic



čiopa palmašica

rorýs palmový

Asiatisk Palmesejler

Aziatische Palmgierzwaluw


Martinet batassia


Rondone delle palme asiatico


azijinis palminis čiurlys


jerzyk jaskółczy


Индийский пальмовый стриж

Azijska palmina čiopa

sŕpik palmový

Vencejo palmero asiático

asiatisk palmseglare

Asya Palmiye Ebabili

серпокрилець південноазійський

aasia palmipiiritaja

ázsiai pálmasarlósfecske

Walet-palem asia
