New Caledonian Nightjar (Eurostopodus exul)

The New Caledonian Nightjar (Eurostopodus neowalandiae) is a small, nocturnal bird species endemic to the island of New Caledonia. This bird species belongs to the family Caprimulgidae, a family of birds commonly known as nightjars or goatsuckers.

The New Caledonian Nightjar is a small bird, measuring about 22-25 cm in length. Its plumage is predominantly brown, with black and white speckles and streaks. Its eyes are large and black, and its bill is short and curved downward. This bird has a unique adaptation in its wings; the primary feathers are fused together to form a "spoon-like" structure that helps it to catch insects mid-air.

New Caledonian Nightjars are nocturnal birds and are active at night, preying on insects like moths, beetles, and flies. They typically rest on the ground during the day, camouflaging themselves to avoid predation. The male bird has a unique mating display where it flies upward in a stepwise motion and then comes down with a fluttering sound. The female bird lays a single egg on the ground, which is incubated by both parents.

Unfortunately, the New Caledonian Nightjar is facing threats to its survival. Its native habitat, the forests of New Caledonia, is rapidly declining due to human activities. Logging, mining, and urbanization are the major threats to its natural habitat. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has listed this species as "Near Threatened" due to its decreasing population and habitat fragmentation.

Efforts are being made by conservationists to preserve the New Caledonian Nightjar species. Protected areas are being created to preserve their natural habitats. Local communities are also being educated about the importance of conservation. Bird watchers and tourists visiting New Caledonia can contribute to the conservation cause by spreading awareness and supporting conservation efforts.

In conclusion, the New Caledonian Nightjar is a unique and fascinating bird species that is facing threats to its survival. It is a reminder of the importance of protecting our natural ecosystems and preserving the biodiversity of our planet.

Other names

Eurostopodus exul



New Caledonian Nightjar

enganyapastors de Nova Caledònia



novokaledonski leganj


Nieuw-Caledonische Nachtzwaluw


Engoulevent calédonien




rogatnik popielaty


Новокаледонский южноазиатский козодой

Leganj sa Nove Kaledonije

nočnár novokaledónsky

Chotacabras de Nueva Caledonia


Yeni Kaledonya Çobanaldatanı

ночнар новокаледонський