Solomons Nightjar (Eurostopodus nigripennis)

The Solomons Nightjar is a species of bird native to the islands of the Solomon Archipelago. This unique bird is part of the Caprimulgidae family, which is commonly known as Nightjars. They are medium-sized birds, measuring around 26 centimeters, and are known for their distinctive appearance and haunting calls.

The Solomons Nightjar has a unique coloration that makes them stand out in their natural habitat. They have grey-brown feathers that blend well with the surrounding environment, making them difficult to spot during the day. However, their wings feature striking white spots, which become apparent when they are in flight or perched on a branch. They also have large eyes, which are essential for navigating their nocturnal habitat.

The bird is a nocturnal species, which means they are active at night and sleep during the day. They are typically found in dense vegetative areas or forested habitats that provide them with a sanctuary to rest during the day. They prefer to feed on insects, which they hunt using their large eyes and an acute sense of hearing. They are known for their distinctive calls, which include a series of buzzing and clicking sounds.

The Solomons Nightjar is a rare and elusive bird that is difficult to study due to their nocturnal lifestyle. Little is known about their behavior and interaction with other bird species. However, they are believed to be a monogamous bird that live in pairs and mate for life. They lay one or two eggs per year, which hatch in around 16 days.

Despite their unique appearance and fascinating lifestyle, the Solomons Nightjar faces a number of threats. Their natural habitat is being destroyed due to logging and forest fires, which makes them vulnerable to extinction. Additionally, they are hunted by humans and their nests are often raided by predators such as rats and cats.

Overall, the Solomons Nightjar is a fascinating bird that contributes to the unique biodiversity of the Solomon Archipelago. More research is needed to uncover their full range of behaviors and their ecological importance. However, it is clear that this unique bird is facing significant challenges and efforts need to be made to protect their habitat and ensure their survival.

Other names

Eurostopodus nigripennis



Solomons Nightjar

enganyapastors de les illes Salomó



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Sortvinget Hornnatravn


Engoulevent des Salomon




rogatnik rdzawoszyi


Соломонский южноазиатский козодой

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