Malleefowl (Leipoa ocellata)

Malleefowl, also known as Leipoa ocellata, is a unique bird species found in the southern parts of Australia. These fascinating birds have developed an unusual breeding behavior that involves the female laying eggs in a communal nest, which is then left to incubate without any parental care.

Malleefowl are medium-sized birds, ranging in length from 55-65 cm and weighing around 2-3 kg. They have brownish-grey plumage, with black and white spots on their wings and a distinct white eye-ring. They are mostly found in the mallee scrublands, woodlands, and forests of southern and central Australia.

The dominant feature of these birds is their impressive nesting behavior. Malleefowl dig large mounds of up to five meters in diameter and one meter in height to serve as their communal nests. These mounds are made up of sand, soil, and leaf litter and are constructed over a prolonged period that can range from 3-4 years.

The incubation process of the eggs is also remarkable. Malleefowl rely on the heat generated by microbial activity inside the mound to hatch their eggs. The female lays between six and 32 eggs each year in the nest. After the eggs have been laid, the birds then cover the mound with a layer of organic material, such as leaves, to help retain heat and moisture. Once the eggs have hatched, the chicks must fend for themselves, and they dig their way out of the mound.

Unfortunately, Malleefowl populations are declining due to habitat loss, feral predators, and human disturbance. Conservation efforts have been put in place to help protect these unique birds. Some conservation measures include habitat management, fox control, and predator-proof fencing to prevent disturbance to their breeding grounds.

In conclusion, the Malleefowl is a remarkable species of bird that exhibits some of the most unusual breeding practices of any bird in the world. Their nesting behavior is a testament to the adaptability of nature, and their populations should be protected for future generations to enjoy.

Other names

Leipoa ocellata




talègol ocel·lat



pjegava kokošina

tabon holubí




Léipoa ocellé


Megapodio del mallee


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nogal prążkowany


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