Vanuatu Megapode (Megapodius layardi)

The Vanuatu Megapode bird, also known as the Dusky Megapode, is a medium-sized bird endemic to the archipelago of Vanuatu in the western Pacific Ocean. It is a member of the family Megapodiidae, a group of birds known for their unique nesting behavior.

The Vanuatu Megapode is about 40-45 cm in length and has a dark brown or blackish plumage. Its legs and feet are large and powerful, adapted for digging in the ground. The bird is primarily herbivorous, feeding on fruits, seeds, and other plant material.

The most interesting aspect of the Vanuatu Megapode's behavior is its nesting habits. Unlike most birds, which build nests to shelter their eggs and chicks, megapodes use geothermal heat to incubate their eggs. The females dig a hole in the ground, about 1 meter deep and 2 meters wide, and lay 3-4 eggs in it. The male then covers the eggs with sand and leaves, and the heat from the earth incubates them for around 50 days.

The Vanuatu Megapode is classified as a vulnerable species because of habitat loss and hunting. The birds are considered a delicacy and are hunted for their meat and eggs. The destruction of their forest habitat also poses a threat to their survival. The Vanuatu government has taken steps to protect the bird, including establishing protected areas and regulating hunting.

In conclusion, the Vanuatu Megapode is an intriguing bird with unique nesting habits. Its reliance on geothermal heat for incubation adds to its appeal. However, the bird's vulnerability and declining population are a cause for concern, and steps must be taken to preserve this unique species.

Other names

Megapodius layardi



Vanuatu Megapode

megàpode de Vanuatu



vanuatska kokošina

tabon vanuatský




Mégapode de Layard


Megapodio delle Vanuatu


Lajardo didžiakojė višta


nogal żółtonogi


Вануатуйский большеног

Vanuatu megapoda

tabon žltonohý

Talégalo de Nuevas Hébridas


Vanuatu Megapodu

великоніг вануатський

vanuatu rihukana

vanuatui ásótyúk