Orange-footed Scrubfowl (Megapodius reinwardt)

The Orange-footed Scrubfowl bird, also known as the Megapodius reinwardt, is a medium-sized bird that belongs to the family of Megapodiidae. This bird is known for its unique behavior of building large mounds for incubating their eggs. When they build these nests, they use their feet to scrape the ground, pile up the soil, and then leave it for the sun to help incubate the eggs.

The Orange-footed Scrubfowl bird is endemic to the tropical forests and savannahs of Australia, Papua New Guinea, and surrounding islands. They prefer to inhabit dense forests with a thick undergrowth where they can hide from predators easily. Their diet consists of insects, seeds, fruits, and leaves.

These birds have a distinctive appearance, with a bare head and neck, a dark brown body, and orange legs and feet. They have a wingspan of around 60-70 cm and can weigh up to 1kg. Their tails are short and are rounded at the end. Despite their small body size, these birds are excellent runners and fliers.

One of the most interesting behaviors of the Orange-footed Scrubfowl bird is their unique incubation process. The male and female work together to build the nest, which can be as tall as 1.5 meters and up to 6-7 meters in diameter. The female then lays her eggs in the center of the mound, where the heat from the sun helps to incubate them. The male regularly monitors and tends to the eggs, making sure they stay at the right temperature.

After the eggs hatch, the chicks are precocial, which means they can stand and run almost immediately after hatching. They can feed themselves, and their parents do not provide them with any care. The chicks quickly learn to dig and build their own nests, using the skills they observed from their parents.

In conclusion, the Orange-footed Scrubfowl bird is a remarkable creature with unique behavioral characteristics. Their ability to build mounds for incubation of their eggs is awe-inspiring, and their role in maintaining the ecosystem is significant. While their populations are currently stable, habitat loss and hunting pose a threat to their survival in some areas. It is essential to protect these birds and their habitats and safeguard their future for generations to come.

Other names

Megapodius reinwardt



Orange-footed Scrubfowl

megàpode de Reinwardt



kukmasta kokošina

tabon oranžovonohý


Rood Boshoen


Mégapode de Reinwardt


Megapodio piediarancio


Reinvardo didžiakojė višta


nogal zmienny


Оранжевоногий большеног

Megapoda narandžastih nogu

tabon hnedý

Talégalo de Reinwardt

orangefotad storfotshöna

Reinwardt Megapodu

великоніг австралійський


narancssárgalábú ásótyúk

Gosong kaki-merah