Crestless Curassow (Mitu tomentosum)

The Crestless Curassow is a stunning bird species found in the tropical forests of northern South America. Related to the guans and chachalacas, it is considered a threatened species and is one of the most emblematic birds of the region. Its scientific name is Mitu tomentosum, and it belongs to the Cracidae family.

The most distinctive feature of this bird is the lack of feathered crest on its head, making it different from other curassow species. The Crestless Curassow has a glossy black plumage, which shines green and purple in sunlight, and a white patch on its neck, which is visible during mating displays. Its beak and legs are dark blue, and it has red eyes.

This bird species resides in the dense tropical lowlands and humid forests near rivers. Typically, they travel in small groups of 4-6 individuals, but they occasionally form flocks of up to 20 birds. Crestless Curassows are herbivores, and their diet mainly consists of fruits, leaves, and seeds.

Like many birds of the region, the Crestless Curassow is threatened by habitat loss and hunting. The destruction of their natural habitat due to deforestation, mining activities, and agricultural development has caused a significant decline in their populations. Furthermore, the Crestless Curassow is hunted for its meat, feathers, and eggs, which are considered delicacies in some regions. Despite conservation efforts, the IUCN lists the Crestless Curassow as Vulnerable.

The bird is part of many local myths and legends because of its unique appearance and behavior. Also, it is a symbol of the region's rich biodiversity and cultural heritage. Several indigenous communities consider the Crestless Curassow a sacred bird, and they have included it in their traditional rituals for centuries.

Overall, the Crestless Curassow is an incredible bird species found in the tropical forests of South America. It is unique, striking, and emblematic of the region's cultural and ecological significance. However, it is also threatened by habitat loss and hunting, making conservation efforts a vital aspect of preserving this remarkable bird species.

Other names

Mitu tomentosum



Crestless Curassow

hoco de bec curt



venezuelski hoko

hoko pruhoocasý

Topløs Hokko

Kleine Mesbekpauwies


Hocco de Spix


Hocco senzacresta


mažasis mitu


czubacz rdzawosterny


Малый хохлатый кракс

Hoko bez ćube

hoko hnedobruchý

Paují culicastaño

släthuvad hocko

Al Kuyruklu Hokko

міту малий
