Böhm's Spinetail (Neafrapus boehmi)

The Böhm's Spinetail bird, also known as the Picaflor colirrufo, is a small passerine bird species that belongs to the family of Furnariidae. Found in the Andean region of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru, these birds are remarkable for their distinctive appearance, unique calls, and extraordinary nesting habits.

Böhm's Spinetail bird is typically around 10-13 cm in length and weighs around 6-8 grams, making it one the smallest bird species found in the Andes region. They have a distinctive rufous tail, which is critical in their identification, as well as a brown back, grey crown, and white eyebrow.

These birds are commonly found near shrublands, light forest areas, and humid habitats with thick undergrowth. They are generally solitary, territorial birds that can often be difficult to locate due to their camouflage coloring, but once located, it is easy to recognize them by their loud and sharp calls.

One of the most intriguing habits of the Böhm's Spinetail bird is their intricate nesting behavior. They typically build a woven nest, which is attached to a thorny shrub or tree, with a small entrance hole on the side. The female bird typically lays 2 or 3 eggs, and the parents take turns in incubating the eggs for about 15 days.

The Böhm's Spinetail is an insectivore and feeds on insects, spiders, and small invertebrates. They can be seen perching on bushes or tree branches, and they typically fly short distances to catch their prey.

The Böhm's Spinetail bird is considered to be a species of Least Concern, but it is facing threats from habitat loss and fragmentation caused by human activities. Conservation measures such as habitat protection, reforestation, and awareness campaigns are required to safeguard their populations.

In conclusion, the Böhm's Spinetail bird stands out for its unique appearance, behavior, and nesting habits. It's a remarkable bird that is worth observing and conserving, as it is one of the vital species that make up our planet's rich biodiversity.

Other names

Neafrapus boehmi



Böhm's Spinetail

falciot cuaespinós de Boehm



sivogrla čiopa

rorýs netopýří

Korthalet Flagermussejler

Böhms Gierzwaluw


Martinet de Böhm


Rondone codaspinosa pipistrello


Bomo neafrapas


kolcosternik kusy


Иглохвост – летучая мышь

Bemova iglorepa čiopa

srp netopierí

Vencejo de Böhm

Böhms taggstjärtseglare

Böhm İğnekuyruğu

голкохвіст ангольський



denevér sarlósfecske