Orinoco Goose (Neochen jubata)

The Orinoco Goose is a species of waterfowl that is found in the wetlands and swamps of South America. It belongs to the family of ducks, geese, and swans, and is known for its distinct appearance and behavior.

The Orinoco Goose is a medium-sized bird that measures around 60-70 cm long and weighs 1-1.5 kg. It has a white head, neck, and breast, with a dark brown or black body and wings. The male and female look similar, but the male has a slightly larger bill and head. The Orinoco Goose has a short and thick neck, a sturdy bill, and short legs with webbed feet that enable it to swim efficiently.

The Orinoco Goose is primarily herbivorous, feeding on aquatic plants, grasses, and seeds. It is also known to eat insects, small fish, and crustaceans. It forages by dabbling in shallow water or grazing on land.

The Orinoco Goose is a social bird that lives in flocks, ranging from a few individuals to several hundreds. During the breeding season, pairs form and males perform elaborate courtship displays to attract females. The female lays a clutch of 6-12 eggs in a nest on land, usually concealed by vegetation or in a burrow.

The Orinoco Goose is well adapted to its wetland habitat, where it finds protection from predators and ample food sources. However, it faces threats from habitat loss due to agriculture, hunting for meat, and disturbance from human activities.

In conclusion, the Orinoco Goose is a fascinating waterfowl species found in the wetlands of South America. Its unique appearance, behavior, and ecology make it an interesting subject for ecological study and conservation efforts.

Other names

Neochen jubata



Orinoco Goose

oca de l'Orinoco



kudrava guska

husice orinocká




Ouette de l’Orénoque


Oca dell'Orinoco


orinokinė žąsis


grzywoszyjka amazońska


Оринокский гусь

Orinoko guska

bernaška hrivnatá

Ganso del Orinoco


Orinoko Kazı

каргарка гриваста


orinocói lúd