Hooded Tinamou (Nothocercus nigrocapillus)

The Hooded Tinamou is a medium-sized bird found in South America, in countries such as Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. This bird is also known as "tataupa" in some areas due to the sound it produces, which resembles the word "tataupa."

The Hooded Tinamou is a shy and elusive bird that spends most of its time hiding in the dense undergrowth of tropical forests. It feeds on a variety of insects, fruits, and seeds, and is considered a valuable part of the forest ecosystem. The bird is mainly active during the daytime, but can also be seen foraging in the early morning or evening hours.

One defining characteristic of the Hooded Tinamou is its unique appearance. The bird has short, rounded wings and an erect posture, with a dark grey or brown head and a rusty-red throat. Its body is covered in dark, scaled feathers, which gives it a distinctive look.

While the Hooded Tinamou is not currently considered endangered, its numbers have decreased due to habitat loss. The destruction of tropical forests has led to a decline in the bird's habitat and food sources. It is estimated that the Hooded Tinamou's population has decreased by 30% over the last three decades, making conservation efforts crucial in ensuring the survival of these birds.

In conclusion, the Hooded Tinamou is a fascinating bird that is an important part of the South American forest ecosystem. While they are elusive and difficult to spot, their unique appearance and important role make them a valuable and interesting species to learn about. It is vital that we work together to preserve their habitat and protect these birds from further population decline.

Other names

Nothocercus nigrocapillus



Hooded Tinamou

tinamú encaputxat



crnoglavi tinamu

tinama tmavohlavá




Tinamou à capuchon


Tinamo monaco


tamsiagalvis notocerkas


kusacz ciemnogłowy


Черношапочный нотоцеркус

Sivoglavi tinamu

tinama kapucňová

Tinamú cabecinegro


Takkeli Tinamu

тинаму чорноголовий
