Nocturnal Curassow (Nothocrax urumutum)

The Nocturnal Curassow (Nothocrax urumutum) is a unique bird species that is found in the dense tropical rainforests of South America. This bird is known to be nocturnal, which means that it is most active during the night, and it has a distinct appearance and behavior that makes it a fascinating creature to study.

The Nocturnal Curassow belongs to a family of birds known as Cracidae, which are medium to large-sized birds that are native to the Americas. This species, however, stands out from the rest of the family members, as it has a brownish-black color with a distinct white band running across its throat. The beak of this bird is slightly curved, and it has a reddish color, which adds to its unique appearance.

The Nocturnal Curassow is a strictly nocturnal bird, spending the majority of the day hidden away in dense vegetation. During the night, they emerge from their hiding places, and they are most active just after sunset. Their eyesight is exceptionally keen, allowing them to navigate through the dense jungle. They also have powerful legs, which make them excellent runners, enabling them to escape from predators when necessary.

Their diet typically consists of fruits, seeds, and insects that they find in the forest. The flowers of the Heliconia plant are particularly favored by this bird and are often seen feeding on them.

Unfortunately, the Nocturnal Curassow is under significant threat from habitat destruction and hunting, which has led to a decline of the population. Their habitat is being destroyed through deforestation, mining, and other forms of human activities. However, conservation efforts are in place to ensure their survival.

In conclusion, the Nocturnal Curassow is a fascinating bird species that is well adapted to its environment. Its unique appearance and behavior make it an interesting species to study, and its nocturnal nature has allowed it to carve out a niche in the dense South American rainforests. However, the species faces significant threats from habitat destruction and hunting, making it essential to work towards its conservation.

Other names

Nothocrax urumutum



Nocturnal Curassow

hoco nocturn



noćni hoko

hoko noční




Hocco nocturne


Hocco notturno


naktinis kraksas


czubacz rdzawy


Красный гокко

Noćni hoko

hoko malý

Paují nocturno


Gece Hokkosu


