Choco Poorwill (Nyctiphrynus rosenbergi)

The Choco Poorwill bird, also known as the Chocó Nightjar, is a small nocturnal bird found in the Choco region of South America. It is a member of the Caprimulgiformes family, characterized by their wide mouths and nocturnal habits.

The Choco Poorwill is a small bird, measuring between 8 and 9 inches long with a wingspan of approximately 16 inches. Its plumage is mostly brownish-gray with black and white stripes running down its chest. The bird’s large eyes are adapted to low light conditions, allowing it to navigate through the dense forests of the region in the dark.

This bird is known for its unique vocalizations, a distinctive and haunting song that can be heard echoing through the forests of the Choco. The bird's call is often heard at night and consists of a soft, rolling trill that can last up to 15 seconds.

The Choco Poorwill is primarily a ground-dwelling bird but can be seen perching on low branches of trees during the day. Its preferred habitat is dense, moist forests with thick undergrowth, and it is found in the western Andes from Colombia down to Ecuador.

Despite its relatively wide distribution, the Choco Poorwill is considered a vulnerable species due to habitat loss and fragmentation caused by deforestation, mining, and agriculture. Its reliance on the complex ecosystems of the Choco forests also makes it more vulnerable to climate change.

Efforts are being made to preserve the Choco Poorwill and other species of the region through conservation initiatives and protected areas. However, much more needs to be done to ensure the survival of this unique and beautiful bird, and the ecosystems it calls home.

Other names

Nyctiphrynus rosenbergi



Choco Poorwill

enganyapastors del Chocó



čokoski leganj

lelek Rosenbergův




Engoulevent du Choco


Succiacapre del Chocò


čokinis amerikinis lėlys


lelkowiec kolumbijski


Чокосский ушастый козодой

lelek tmavý

Chotacabras del Chocó


Çoko Çobanaldatanı

леляк колумбійський

kolumbia öösorr