Stripe-faced Wood Quail (Odontophorus balliviani)

The Stripe-faced Wood Quail is a small bird native to the rainforests of Central and South America. This bird belongs to the family Odontophoridae and is scientifically known as Odontophorus balliviani.

The Stripe-faced Wood Quail is a beautiful and distinctive bird, with a striking combination of black, white, and chestnut feathers. Its most distinctive feature is the bold black stripe that runs across its white face. The rest of its body is chestnut-brown with white spots and bars, creating a unique and captivating pattern.

As their common name suggests, these quails are found in wooded areas and thick undergrowth in the rainforests of the Andes mountains. They are ground-dwelling, shy and elusive birds that prefer the damp undergrowth to thick vegetation.

The Stripe-faced Wood Quail is primarily a herbivore, feeding on a variety of fruits, seeds, and insects. They have been known to feed on the seeds of plants like the Brazil Nut (Bertholletia excelsa), which they crack using their strong beaks and muscular throats. They are also known to feed on invertebrates such as ants, beetles, and termites.

Interestingly, the Stripe-faced Wood Quail shows high levels of social behaviour within its habitat. They are known to move through the forest in small groups consisting of 5-7 birds. These groups are usually made up of a monogamous breeding pair as well as several non-reproducing or immature birds.

Unfortunately, the Stripe-faced Wood Quail is classified as a vulnerable species, with population numbers declining due to habitat loss and hunting. Conservation efforts to protect these birds are underway, with emphasis on conserving their habitats and enforcing hunting laws.

In conclusion, the Stripe-faced Wood Quail is a charming and unique bird that exists within the heart of the South American rainforest. Its distinct coloration and social behavior make it a fascinating species to study, and its conservation should be prioritized to ensure that it continues to thrive in the rainforests for generations to come.

Other names

Odontophorus balliviani



Stripe-faced Wood Quail

tocro de Ballivian



brkata prepelica

křepel pruholící




Tocro de Ballivian


Quaglia boschereccia facciastriata


dryžaveidė miškinė putpelė


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Пестролицый лесной перепел

Šumska prepelica sa prugastim licem

prepelka horská

Corcovado enmascarado


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