Chestnut Wood Quail (Odontophorus hyperythrus)

The Chestnut Wood Quail bird is a small game bird species that is native to South America. It is also known as the Pennsylvania Wood Quail, Red-breasted Wood Quail, or Red-belly Wood Quail. The scientific name of this bird is Odontophorus hyperythrus. It belongs to the Phasianidae family of birds and the Odontophorinae subfamily.

The Chestnut Wood Quail bird is a small, plump bird that measures about 23 cm in length and weighs around 180-190 g. This bird has a chestnut-brown plumage with a white belly and black-tipped wings. It also has a red bill, a red patch around the eye, and reddish-brown legs. The female birds have a less prominent red patch around the eye compared to the male birds.

The Chestnut Wood Quail bird is a ground-dwelling bird species that can be found in the humid forests and woodlands of South America. This bird prefers to live in the understory of the forest and feeds on seeds, fruits, and insects. It is a shy bird and is rarely seen in the open. The Chestnut Wood Quail bird is known for its distinctive call, which is a series of clear whistles that sound like "chuck-will's-widow".

The Chestnut Wood Quail bird is considered a threatened species due to habitat loss and hunting for food. It is listed as vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Several conservation measures have been taken to protect this bird species, including the establishment of protected areas and captive breeding programs.

In conclusion, the Chestnut Wood Quail bird is a small game bird species that is native to South America and is known for its chestnut-brown plumage and distinctive call. This bird is considered threatened due to habitat loss and hunting and several conservation measures are being taken to protect it.

Other names

Odontophorus hyperythrus



Chestnut Wood Quail

tocro rogenc



kolumbijska prepelica

křepel kaštanový




Tocro marron


Quaglia boschereccia castana


rudoji miškinė putpelė


przepiór kasztanowaty


Каштановый лесной перепел

Kestenjasta šumska prepelica

prepelka gaštanová

Corcovado castaño

svartfläckig tandvaktel

Kızıl Göğüslü Kurşuni Tokro

токро каштановий
