Ruddy Duck (Oxyura jamaicensis)

The Ruddy Duck bird is a small, diving duck found in North and South America. It is known for its stunning breeding plumage and unique breeding behavior. These ducks are identified by their chunky, rounded bodies, relatively short tails, and small bills. Male Ruddy Ducks have a bright blue bill and a distinctive red-brown plumage, making them easily recognizable. Females are less conspicuous, with buffy-colored bodies and dark streaking on their backs.

Ruddy Ducks are typically found in freshwater habitats such as marshes, ponds, and lakes. They prefer to be in the water, diving down to feed on aquatic plants, insects, and small fish. These birds are excellent swimmers and can stay underwater for up to 30 seconds.

During the breeding season, male Ruddy Ducks begin to display their striking breeding plumage, which includes a bright blue bill, a white cheek patch, and a cap of chestnut-red feathers on their head. The males also engage in an interesting courtship behavior known as "displaying," in which they inflate their necks and puff out their chests while slapping their chests with their wings to attract females.

After finding a mate, the female Ruddy Duck will construct her nest in thick vegetation near the water's edge. She will lay an average of 8-10 eggs, which will hatch after about three weeks. The young ducklings are precocial, which means they are covered in down and can swim and feed themselves almost immediately after hatching.

Although the Ruddy Duck population is generally stable, they do face threats such as habitat loss and hunting. In some areas, these birds are considered a pest and are actively hunted, particular during the fall migration. Conservation efforts are underway to protect these birds and their habitats.

In conclusion, the Ruddy Duck is a beautiful and unique bird that continues to thrive across North and South America. Their interesting breeding behavior and striking plumage make them a favorite among bird enthusiasts and wildlife lovers alike. While they face some threats, conservation efforts are working to ensure their continued survival for generations to come.

Other names

Oxyura jamaicensis



Ruddy Duck

malvasia de Jamaica



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