Crested Guan (Penelope purpurascens)

The Crested Guan is a species of bird that belongs to the family of cracids. They are found in Central and South American countries such as Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela, among others.

Crested Guans are large birds that measure up to 89 centimeters tall and weigh approximately two kilograms. They have a unique appearance, with a distinct crest on their head that is almost half the length of their body. Their coloring is predominantly black with a white stripe on their wings, and their legs are a striking red color.

These birds are predominantly forest-dwelling creatures that inhabit both lowland and montane rainforests. However, they are also found in secondary forests, plantations, and even gardens. They are skilled climbers, and their sharp claws and powerful legs allow them to scramble effortlessly up trees and branches. They are typically seen perched above the forest canopy, calling out their distinctive "wong" call.

Crested Guans are omnivorous, meaning they feed on both plants and animals. Their diet consists of fruits, leaves, flowers, seeds, and insects such as beetles, ants, and termites. They have also been observed eating small mammals and reptiles.

These birds are predominantly monogamous, and a pair will mate for life. During the breeding season, the male will perform a courtship display to attract the female. He will cluck and ruffle his feathers, showing off his red throat patch.

Crested Guans are unfortunately under threat from habitat loss and hunting for their meat and feathers. Despite conservation efforts, their population continues to decline, and they are listed as a species of “Least Concern” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

In conclusion, the Crested Guan is a unique and striking bird that is an important part of the tropical forests of Central and South America. Their distinctive appearance and vocal call make them easily recognizable, and they play an essential role in the ecosystem as seed dispersers and insect predators. Efforts must be made to protect and conserve their habitat and population for future generations to enjoy.

Other names

Penelope purpurascens



Crested Guan

guan crestat



kudravi guan

guan chocholatý

Toppet Penelopehøne



Pénélope panachée


Guan crestato


kuoduotoji penelopė


penelopa rdzawobrzucha


Ржавобрюхая пенелопа

Ćubasti guan

šuan chochlatý

Pava cojolita


Tepeli Guan

пенелопа чубата


borzas sakutyúk