Roraiman Nightjar (Setopagis whitelyi)

The Roraiman Nightjar (Caprimulgus whitelyi) is a bird species that is endemic to the highlands of the Guiana Shield, specifically the summit areas of Mount Roraima and nearby peaks in the border region of Guyana, Brazil, and Venezuela. This unique nightjar bird was first described by British ornithologist Reginald Ernest Moreau in 1941, during his expedition to Mount Roraima.

The Roraiman Nightjar is a small, cryptic, and relatively unknown bird with a length of about 19 to 20 cm. It has a dark brown plumage with blackish vermiculated patterns on its underparts. It has a broad and conspicuous white band in the middle of its wings, which is the main diagnostic feature that distinguishes it from other nightjar species. Its wingspan is relatively short, about 45 cm, which allows it to fly low over the vegetation and maneuver through narrow gaps.

Like other nightjars, the Roraiman Nightjar is mainly nocturnal. It spends most of its day roosting on the forest floor, under dense vegetation or rocks, where it blends in with the surroundings and remains hidden from predators. At dusk, the male bird begins to sing to attract a mate or to defend its territory. The song of the Roraiman Nightjar is a series of whistles and trills, which are quite distinctive from other nightjars. After mating, the female bird lays one or two eggs on the ground, which she incubates for about four weeks.

The habitat of the Roraiman Nightjar is restricted to the montane rainforests between 1,800 and 2,600 meters above sea level. This unique bird species is threatened by habitat loss due to deforestation, agriculture, and mining activities. Furthermore, its small population size and geographic isolation make it vulnerable to genetic drift and inbreeding. The Roraiman Nightjar is classified as "Vulnerable" by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and listed in Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).

In conclusion, the Roraiman Nightjar is a rare and fascinating bird species that is only found in a small area of South America. Its unique appearance, behavior, and vocalizations make it a fascinating subject for ornithologists and birdwatchers who want to explore the diversity of life on our planet. However, urgent conservation efforts are needed to protect the habitat and population of this rare bird from further decline.

Other names

Setopagis whitelyi



Roraiman Nightjar

enganyapastors de Roraima



roraimski leganj

lelek Whitelyův




Engoulevent du Roraima


Succiacapre del Roraima


venesuelinis lėlys


lelkowiec wenezuelski


Венесуэльский козодой

Roraimski leganj

lelek venezuelský

Chotacabras del Roraima


Roraima Çobanaldatanı

дрімлюга венесуельський


roraima lappantyú