Least Poorwill (Siphonorhis brewsteri)

The Least Poorwill bird, scientifically known as Phalaenoptilus nuttallii, is a small nocturnal bird that is commonly found in the western regions of North America. This bird belongs to the Caprimulgidae family which includes other species of nightjars, whip-poor-wills and nighthawks.

The name ‘Poorwill’ refers to the bird's characteristic sound which resembles a mournful, sustained whistle or call, often repeated over and over again. It is the smallest member of the nightjar family, measuring only 5-6 inches in length and weighing just over one ounce. It has a distinctive mottled brown and greyish camouflage coloring to help it blend into its surroundings, and a wide, flat bill ideal for catching insects in flight.

The Least Poorwill bird is most commonly found in the arid regions of the western United States and Mexico, as well as in the dry, mountainous areas of the Great Basin and Sonoran deserts. They prefer to roost in rocky crevices, under overhanging rocks and in burrows in the ground to protect themselves from predators.

The Least Poorwill bird is entirely nocturnal, which means they are active during the night and rest during the day. When foraging for food, they use their unique flat bill to catch flying insects, which are their primary source of food. The Least Poorwill also has a unique feeding mechanism that allows them to feed while in flight. They are capable of opening the mouth very wide, swallow insects whole while flying, without ever landing.

The Least Poorwill bird is considered a fascinating bird species due to their nocturnal nature and unique feeding habits. They are also generally quite secretive and tend to remain unseen unless flushed out of hiding. Though their populations are stable, the Least Poorwill bird is considered a species of conservation concern by several monitoring groups, particularly as habitat loss and fragmentation of desert areas pose threats to their survival.

In conclusion, the Least Poorwill bird is a small, mottled, nocturnal bird that is fascinating to observe. With its unique bill, feeding habits, and ability to roost among rocks and crevices, this bird is well-adapted to life in the dry, arid regions of the western United States and Mexico. While it may be challenging to spot in the wild, the Least Poorwill bird is a valuable species that deserves our admiration and protection.

Other names

Siphonorhis brewsteri



Least Poorwill

enganyapastors de Brewster



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lelek drobný




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haitinis lėlys


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Гаитянский козодой

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lelek útly

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пораке гаїтійський


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