Australian Shelduck (Tadorna tadornoides)

The Australian Shelduck is a unique and fascinating bird that is native to Australia. They belong to the Tadorninae subfamily of ducks and are alternatively referred to as the Mountain Duck, Chestnut-breasted Shelduck or Port Macquarie Shelduck. These ducks are larger than most other Australian dabbling ducks, having an average size of 55-63 cm in length and weighing between 1.1 to 1.5 kg.

Australian Shelducks have a striking appearance that makes them easily recognizable. The male shelducks have a distinctive appearance with a dark green head, an iridescent green collar, a chestnut breast, and grayish-brown wings. The female shelducks have a less vibrant appearance with mainly brownish feathers. Both the males and females have a slightly curved bill that is pinkish-orange in color. They have a long legs that are yellowish-orange in color and webbed feet, which enable them to swim and dive effortlessly.

These birds can be found in wetlands, woodlands, open grasslands, and even in human-made habitats like farms and golf courses. They mostly feed on aquatic plants, grasses, and small invertebrates that they find while swimming or foraging on land. They are monogamous and often form lifelong mating pairs.

One remarkable characteristic of the Australian Shelduck is its ability to adapt to a changing environment. They have been known to adjust their breeding pattern, migration, and feeding behavior to suit prevailing conditions. They are also highly social, and often gather in large groups, build nests together or display "v for victory" gestures as a sign of unity.

Unfortunately, Australian Shelduck populations have faced several challenges, especially from habitat loss and degradation, hunting, and invasive species. Conservation efforts aimed at protecting wetlands and other critical habitats where these birds occur are essential to their survival.

In summary, the Australian Shelduck is a remarkable bird that plays a vital ecological role in Australia's wetlands. Their unique physical and behavioral adaptations make them a fascinating species to study and appreciate. By conserving their natural habitat, we can help preserve these birds for generations to come.

Other names

Tadorna tadornoides



Australian Shelduck

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