White-backed Duck (Thalassornis leuconotus)

The White-backed Duck, also known as the White-backed Duck, is an aquatic bird that belongs to the family of ducks, swans, and geese. These ducks are medium-sized and named after the white patch of feathers on their backs that contrast with their dark brown plumage. They are found in sub-Saharan Africa, Madagascar, and southern Asia.

White-backed Ducks have a distinct appearance with a streamlined body, large head, and short neck. They have a small pointed bill that is perfect for feeding on small crustaceans, mollusks, aquatic plants, and insects. Unlike other ducks, this species is not good at flying and usually prefers to run or swim. They have strong legs with large webbed feet that help propel them through the water at high speeds.

The males and females of this species have a similar appearance, although males tend to have a slightly larger body. During the breeding season, the male will court the female by displaying his white feathers and bobbing his head. Once a successful mating pair has formed, they will build a nest using reeds and grasses near the water's edge. The female will lay about eight to twelve eggs that will hatch in roughly four weeks. Both parents will protect and care for the chicks until they are old enough to leave the nest.

White-backed ducks live in freshwater habitats such as marshes, rivers, and ponds. They can also be found in man-made water sources such as rice paddies and irrigated fields. These ducks are social animals and are often found in groups. Incredibly adapted to their habitat, they have developed unique behavioral and morphological adaptations that enable them to thrive in their aquatic environment.

Unfortunately, White-backed Ducks face threats from habitat loss due to wetland drainage and human encroachment. Overhunting and egg collection also affect their populations. White-backed ducks are considered a species of Least Concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, but they still require conservation efforts to ensure their survival. Overall, these ducks are fascinating creatures with unique characteristics and are a sight to behold in the natural world.

Other names

Thalassornis leuconotus



White-backed Duck

ànec cabusset



mala utva

kačenka bělohřbetá




Dendrocygne à dos blanc


Anatra dorsobianco


baltanugarė antis




Белоспинная утка

Beloleđa patka

stromárka jarabá

Pato dorsiblanco

vitryggig and

Ak Sırtlı Ördek



